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2 Archival description results for Burma

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GB 891 EWH-EWH/2-EWH/2/2 · File · [1933-1972]
Part of Papers of Edward Walter Hutchinson

This notebook includes Hutchinson's suggested corrections for Virginia Thompson's Thailand, The New Siam , published in 1941; notes on Adrien Launay's Histoire de la mission de Siam, 1662-1811 , published in 1920; notes relevant to articles published in read more

GB 891 DJG-DJG/13-DJG/13/1 · File · 1830 - 1860
Part of Papers of Daniel John Gogerly

This is a printed version of the Sāsanavaṃsa-dīpaya text written in Sinhalese. The book was printed in 1903, in Sri Lanka. It has 160 uncut pages and a red paper cover. The Sāsanavaṃsa-dīpaya is a history of the Buddhist order in Burma, composed by theread more

Gogerly Daniel John 1792-1862 Reverend, Missionary, Pali and Sinhalese translator