Subserie CAS/8/7 - Biographies K - L

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Código de referencia

GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/7


Biographies K - L


  • 1910-1977 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción


Volumen y soporte

printed and handwritten

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Nombre del productor

Institución archivística

Historia archivística

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

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Alcance y contenido

Biographical material for individuals with names commencing K and L:

  • Kalāt (Khān of) - 'Pakistan Ex-Ruler Arrested: 3 killed as troops besiege a palace' The Times, 7 October 1958; 'Pakistan holds Khan of Kalat: Palace guards fire on troops', the Daily Telegraph 7 October 1958; 'Deposed Khan's Son in Gaol: Karachi Measures', Daily Telegraph 9 October 1958. Articles about the deposing of the Khan of Kalat, his arrest and that of his son.
  • Kahle, Paul - 'Dr. P. Kahle Honoured at Oxford' - an article to announce the conferment of an honorary degree of D. Litt. On Kahle from Oxford University. Unknown publication, [1912].
  • Kahn, P - Letter from P. Kahn to Charles Ambrose Storey to inform Storey of a manuscript by Najum b.Asīl al-Kirkārī and ask his advice. Two sides, handwritten, dated 3 December 1942.
  • Kashani, Ayatollah - profile article on Ayatollah Abdol Ghassem Kashani, an Islamic nationalist leader, The Observer, 14 September 1952; photograph of Kashani, Daily Telegraph, 8 December 1953, 'Mullah Kashani Denounced: Persian Radio Attack on Traitor', The Times, 22 February 1954, 'Gen. Zahedi warns Kashani', Daily Telegraph, 22 February 1954, 'The Mullah Kashani: Bitter Opponent of Western Influence' - obituary notice, The Times, 15 March 1962.
  • Khudāh-Bakhsh - note on biography and portrait to be found in 'Glimpses of the Nuzami's Dominions', London and Bombay 1889. Handwritten, 1 piece.
  • Kasrawi, Hassan - 'Teheran June 4' - article on oil nationalisation plans and the detention of the suspected murderer of Hassan Kasrawi, The Times 5 June 1951
  • Khal'at Barī - 'Persian Leader Condemns Oil Law' - article about the oil industry in Iran and Khalat Bari's response to the criticism, Daily Telegraph, 14 June 1954.
  • Khan Sahib - 'Dr. Khan Sahib: Government in W. Pakistan', The Times, 10 May 1958, and 'Dr Khan Sahib: A Great Pathan', The Times, 13 May 1958 - articles concerning the assassination of Khan Sahib.
  • Khwushhāl Khān - biographical notes from the Blumhardt Catalogue of the Marathi…Pushti and Sindhi manuscripts in the British Museum. Handwritten, 2 sides
  • King, Lucas White - obituary notice for Sir Lucas White King, orientalist. Unknown publication, [August 1925]
  • Kneipp, Sébastien - biographical notes for Sébastien Kneipp from Larousse du XXe siècle, tome IV. Handwritten in French, 1 side.
  • Köprülü, F. - photograph of Marshal Tito greeting the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mr. Köprülü at their meeting on the island of Brioni, (Brijuni), Observer 1 February 1953
  • Kushkakī (Burhān al-Dīn Khān) biographical notes from the International Who's Who, 1950. Handwritten, 1 side.
  • Lamb, Harold - two obituary notice for Harold Lamb, American novelist and historian, The Times, 12 April 1962 and the Daily Telegraph, 11 April 1962.
  • Lane, Arthur - obituary notices for Arthur Lane, Keeper of the Department of Ceramics, Victoria & Albert Museum, The Times, 8 March 1963 and 13 March 1963, Daily Telegraph, 8 March 1963 and 13 March 1963.
  • Lawrence, [P] - Letter from Lawrence to Storey asking Storey's advice on opportunities for an academic career in Arabic studies. Handwritten, 4 sides, dated 2 November 1945.
  • Le Strange, Guy - 'Late Mr. Guy le Strange: Will of Cambridge Orientalist' - article detailing the will of Guy le Strange. Unknown publication [1933].
  • Leech, Robert - biographical note s for Robert Leech, author of 'A Grammar of the Pushto of Afghanese language'. Handwritten, 1 side.
  • Littman, Enno - obituary notices for Professor Enno Littmann, orientalist, The Times, 20 May 1959 and 24 May 1959.
  • Lockhart, Laurence - marriage notice for Laurence Lockhart and Alice Wilson, unknown publication, [August 1963].
  • Lushington, Henry - biographical notes for Henry Lushington, taken from Eastbourne Parish Church. Handwritten, 3 sides.

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  • inglés
  • francés

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