Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India

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2 Archival description results for Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India

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GB 891 HME-HME/3-HME/3/6 · File · [1827-1853]
Part of Papers of Sir Henry Miers Elliot

Manuscripts containing census information on the castes of Zamindars (local hereditary lords and land holders) in the Azamgarh (Azangurh) Pargana. Letters, notes and tables written in Urdu, with one printed page in English, on the reverse of which is written 'Persian'.

GB 891 HME-HME/3-HME/3/5 · File · [1827-1853]
Part of Papers of Sir Henry Miers Elliot

One loosely tied item of eleven, handwritten pages, describing the towns in the Pargana (administrative unit) of Azamgarh, with numbers of houses and religions comprising the population. Simon Digby notes that it was probably for an unpublished Gazetteer.