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The creator is unknown.


The identity of Mrs Skinner is not known. She was not a member of the Society at this time. Samuel Skinner of Portland Place, was a member and John Skinner, was a member of the Madras Literary Society, an allied society. It is possible she was the spouse of either of these.


The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland was founded by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Sir Henry Thomas Colebrooke on the 15th March 1823. It received its Royal Charter from King George IV on the 11th August 1824 'for the investigation of subjects connected with and for the encouragement of science, literature and the arts in relation to Asia'. It continues as a forum for those who are interested in the languages, cultures and history of Asia to meet and exchange ideas.
In 1923 the Centenary was celebrated with an international gathering of orientalists. The Prince of Wales and the Prime Minister attended the opening reception, the Government gave a lunch at Claridge's over which the Secretary of State presided. The Lord Mayor gave a reception at Mansion House, honorary degrees were conferred by Oxford and Cambridge; and there was a concluding banquet at the Hotel Cecil. A special supplement to the Journal was published containing a selection of the papers that had been presented. A Centenary Volume was also published edited by F.E. Pargiter.


The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland was founded by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Sir Henry Thomas Colebrooke on the 15th March 1823. It received its Royal Charter from King George IV on the 11th August 1824 'for the investigation of subjects connected with and for the encouragement of science, literature and the arts in relation to Asia'. It continues as a forum for those who are interested in the languages, cultures and history of Asia to meet and exchange ideas. The Society moved to 74 Grosvenor Street at the beginning of 1920, when its lease was terminated on 22 Albemarle Street. A 63 year lease was taken on the property and an opening reception was held at the property on 30 March 1920, when the Chinese Minister gave an address. The premises were large enough to sub-let parts. But it was a costly move and in 1932 it was suggested the Society might join the School of Oriental Studies. This was dismissed and the outbreak of war in 1939 disrupted further plans for moving. The society stayed at Grosvenor Street until 1947, when it moved to 56 Queen Anne Street - a move that made a considerable profit for the Society.


The second floor flat was a residential property which was let to a number of tenants during the time that the Royal Asiatic Society was at 56 Queen Anne Street.


The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland was founded by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Sir Henry Thomas Colebrooke on the 15th March 1823. It received its Royal Charter from King George IV on the 11th August 1824 'for the investigation of subjects connected with and for the encouragement of science, literature and the arts in relation to Asia'. It continues as a forum for those who are interested in the languages, cultures and history of Asia to meet and exchange ideas. The Society moved to the premises at the beginning of 1988 and remained there until 2005, when the premises were sold.


The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland was first formed in 1823. It applied for Royal Patronage on its founding and in June 1823 it was announced that the King had granted the Society the title "Royal" and its charter for "the investigation of subjects connected with for the encouragement of science, literature and the arts in relation to Asia" is dated 11 August 1824. The Society has continued to enjoy the patronage of the monarch until 2000 when Prince Charles became the current Patron.


The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland was founded by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Sir Henry Thomas Colebrooke on the 15th March 1823. It received its Royal Charter from King George IV on the 11th August 1824 'for the investigation of subjects connected with and for the encouragement of science, literature and the arts in relation to Asia'. It continues as a forum for those who are interested in the languages, cultures and history of Asia to meet and exchange ideas.


Thomas Manning was born in Broome, Norfolk on 8th November, 1772, the second son of Reverend William Manning, rector of Brome and subsequently rector of Diss, Norfolk, and his wife, Elizabeth, the only child of Reverend William Adams, rector of Rollersby Norfolk.

Thomas Manning was educated locally and was admitted to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in 1790 to study mathematics. Here he made some lifelong friends including Charles Lamb (1775-1834). Manning was very able but did not graduate as he refused to sign the oath of allegiance to the Church of England. Manning continued in Cambridge coaching students and published his Introduction to Arithmetic and Algebra (1796-1798)

Manning became interested in China and the Chinese language and in January 1802, sailed from Dover to stay in Paris where he met and studied with Dr Hagar at the Bibliotheque Nationale. Manning intended to stay in Paris for two years but was detained further due to the Napoleonic conflict with England. He returned to England in late 1804 and studied medicine for 6 months at Westminster Hospital with the intent of gaining an useful skill for his travels.

Manning first thought of trying to reach China overland via Russia but felt that his language skills were insufficient and therefore applied to the East India Company to travel on board one of their boats. He sailed on the Thames in May 1806 arriving in Canton, China, later that year.

Manning lived within the East India Company factory and helped with medical matters and translation. He was frustrated by lack of access to interior China. He joined an expedition to Cochinchina (Vietnam) in 1808. This expedition failed and Manning returned to Canton.

Manning then decided to attempt to reach the interior of China via Tibet. For this purpose he sailed on the Pellen to Bengal. He became known in Calcutta for his flowing beard and native costume. He waited for official permission to travel through Bhutan but in the end set off with one Chinese servant entering Bhutan in September 1811 and Tibet later that year.He travelled with Chinese soldiers and treated their medical ailments. He reached Lhasa in December 1811 and was allowed an audience with the Dalai Lama. However he was not able to continue further inland and was sent back to Calcutta in 1812. From there he returned to Canton where he continued his studies until joining the unsuccessful Amherst Embassy in 1816, after which he set off for England with the Embassy on the Alceste. This was wrecked on 17 February 1817 and he continued on the Caesar. He reached St Helena in July 1817 and was given an audience with Napoleon who was imprisoned on the island.

Manning returned and settled in England. He lived in Italy, wanting to improve his spoken Italian, between 1827-1829. He returned to England and continued to live in Kent until 1838, when after a stroke which disabled his right hand, he moved to Bath to gain better medical attention. He died at Bath on 2 May, 1840 and was buried in Bath Abbey Church.


It is unknown who created this list.