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Authority record

Aurel Stein was born in Budapest in 1862. He studied at the Universities of Vienna, Leipzig and Tübingen, graduating in Sanskrit and Persian and receiving his Ph.D. from Tübingen in 1883. Stein came to England in 1884 to continue his studies and became a British citizen in 1904. Stein made four major expeditions to Central Asia to study its archaeology and published books about these expeditions. He brought back many artefacts to Britain. He died in Kabul in 1943 and is buried there.

Stede Dorothy

Dorothy A.L. Stede was a student at Girton College, Cambridge.

Stawell F. Melian
Person · 1869-1936

Florence Melian Stawell, youngest daughter of Sir William Foster Stawell, was born in Melbourne in 1869. She first went to the University of Melbourne before attending Newnham College, Cambridge, where she subsequently became a don. Ill-health forced her retirement but she continued to publish books and pursue classical scholarship.