The Permanent International Committee of Linguists (Comité International Permanent des Linguists, CIPL) was founded in 1928 during the first International Congress of Linguists, which took place in The Hague. This was the first time that Linguistics was presented as an autonomous area of study. The Permanent Committee included leading linguists of the times including Charles Bally, Franz Boas, Otto Jespersen, Daniel Jones and Antoine Meillet. The Congress is held every five years.
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The Association of British Orientalists existed to co-ordinate the activities of British orientalists and to co-operate with other agencies both in Britain and abroad to advance the diffusion of knowledge of Eastern civilizations. It produced an annual Bulletin of Oriental Studies and held conferences at intervals of not more than two years.
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The All-India Oriental Conference began in Pune in 1919 and continues to the present. It aims to serve as the National forum of scholars interested in Orientology.
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