Fonds RASM - Royal Asiatic Society Medal

Identity area

Reference code



Royal Asiatic Society Medal


  • 2000-present (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

1/2 archival box + digital files

Context area

Name of creator


Administrative history

The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland was founded by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Sir Henry Thomas Colebrooke on the 15th March 1823. It received its Royal Charter from King George IV on the 11th August 1824 'for the investigation ofread more

Name of creator


Biographical history

Danuta Solowiej-Wedderburn is a Polish-born (1962) sculptor residing in the United Kingdom. She immigrated to the UK in 1987, where she began engraving plaquettes and medals. In 2006, Solowiej-Wedderburn was commissioned for an engraving for the reverseread more

Name of creator

(6 February 1916 – 8 April 2012)

Biographical history

J.M. Gullick was born in Bristol in 1916. He attended Taunton School and won a scholarship to study Classics at Christ's College, Cambridge, from where he graduated with a Double First, and served as captain of college boats. After graduating, Gullickread more

Name of creator

(29 December 1928 - 28 February 2015)

Biographical history

Bosworth was born in Sheffield. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in modern history from St John's College, Oxford,and both MA in Middle Eastern studies and PhD degrees from the University of Edinburgh. He held permanent posts at the University of Stread more

Name of creator

(4 March 1942 -)

Biographical history

Christopher Shackle was educated at Haileybury and Imperial Service College, before reading Persian and Turkish at Merton College, Oxford, graduating in 1963. He then went on to study Social Anthropology as a postgraduate at St Antony's College. Heread more

Name of creator

(18 May 1945 – 18 April 2015)

Biographical history

Bayly was from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, where he attended The Skinners School. He studied at Balliol College, Oxford and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. He then remained at the University of Oxford and undertook post-graduate studyread more

Name of creator

(10 February 1927 – 27 June 2017)

Biographical history

Bridget Allchin FSA (10 February 1927 – 27 June 2017) was an archaeologist who specialised in South Asian archaeology. She was born Bridget Gordon in Oxford but was raised on a farm in Galloway, Scotland. Bridget started a degree in History and Ancientread more

Name of creator


Biographical history

Adrian David Hugh Bivar, FRAS (1926 - 2015) was a British numismatist and archaeologist, who was Emeritus Professor of Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He specialized in Sasanian seals and rock reliefs,read more

Name of creator


Biographical history

Carole Hillenbrand CBE FBA is a British Islamic scholar who is Emerita Professor in Islamic History at the University of Edinburgh and Professor of Islamic History at the University of St Andrews. She studied modern languages at Girton College, Cambridgeread more

Name of creator

(2 August 1941-)

Biographical history

Robert Hillenbrand FBA is a British art historian who specialises in Persian and Islamic art. He is an Honorary Professorial Fellow of the universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews. He was Slade Professor of Fine Art at the University of Cambridge forread more

Name of creator


Biographical history

Robert Irwin was born in 1946. He read modern history at Oxford and taught medieval history at the University of St. Andrews. He has held teaching appointments in Arabic and Middle Eastern history at Oxford and Cambridge. He is a scholar of Arabicread more

Archival history

These records were produced during the course of the business of the Society.

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

As business records of the Society they have always been within the Society.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

The Royal Asiatic Society Medal was instigated in 2000 to replace the Society's Triennial Gold Medal and to be awarded in recognition of an outstanding contribution to scholarship in the field of Asian Studies. A new design for the Medal was sought andread more

System of arrangement

The catalogue was arranged thus:

  • RASM/1 - Inauguration and commissioning of the medal
  • RASM/2 - John Michael Gullick
  • RASM/3 - Clifford Edmund Bosworth
  • RASM/4 - Christopher Shackle
  • RASM/5 - Christopher Alan Bayly
  • RASM/6 - Bridget Allchin and A.D.H. Bivar
  • read more

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Mostly open. Current material (the last twenty years) may be closed for confidentiality reasons. Please contact the archivist for further information Details can be found here : The archive is open on Tuesdays andread more

Conditions governing reproduction

Digital photography (without flash) for research purposes may be permitted for open records upon completion of a copyright declaration from, and with respect to current UK copyright law.

Language of material

  • English

Allied materials area

Related units of description

The Council Minutes and Events and House Committee MInutes may also give information concerning decisions made.

Access points

Subject access points

Description control area

Description identifier

gb 891rasm

Dates of creation revision deletion

This catalogue was created by Nancy Charley, RAS Archivist, in 2024.