The Parratts collected and copied articles relating to Manipur. These are:
- Copy of 'On the Manners, Religion and Laws of the Cucis, or Mountaineers of Tipra, communicated in Persian by John Rawlins, Esq.' from Asiatic Researches, vol. II, London 1807.
- Copy of 'Extracts from a Journal kept by Captain F.T. Grant, of the Manipur Levy, during a Tour of Inspection on the Manipur Frontier along the course of the Ningthee River, &c., in January 1832' from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. III, 1834, pp.124-134, plus additional map of the area.
- Copy of 'Precis of Correspondence &c., regarding Manipur Affairs and the Cession of the Kubbo Valley to Burah' by J. Clark, Calcutta, 1879.
- The Appeals of the Manipur Princes with A Memorandum of Arguments submitted on their behalf by Manoban Ghose of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law and Advocate of the Calcutta High Court with an Appendix containing the Evidence adduced at the Trial of Tikendrajit Sing, Jubraj or Senapati. Printed and Published by W. Newman & Co., at the Caston Stream Printing Works, 1 Mission Row, 1891. Soft bound copy + further typed copy with some handwritten notes.
- Copy of 'Manipur under British Management 1891-1907' by John Shakespear, published at the Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat Printing Office, 1907.
- Notes on the Early History of Manipur: A paper read at the Fifth Meeting of the Indian Historical Records Commissions, Held at Calcutta in January 1923 by F.M. Abdul Ali, Keeper of the Records of the Government of India.
- Copy of 'A Note on the Kom People of Manipur' by Paresh Chandra Das Gupta from Journal of the Calcutta University of Letters, volume 27, 1935, pp. 1-7.
- Copy of extract from 'Kirata Jana-Kriti: The Indo-Mongoloids, their Contribution to the History and Culture of India, by Suniti Kumar Chatterji, from the Journal for the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. XVI, 1950, pp. 222-229.
- Copy of 'The Dance Among the Koms of Manipur' by Dr. Minendra Nath Basu, from Indian Folk-lore, Oct-Dec 1957, pp.9-10.
- Copy of 'Manipuri Dancing: Revival of a Classical Tradition' by Nayana Jhaveri, United Asia, Volume 10, 1958, pp. 172-177.
- Copy of 'Purana Apocrypha: A "Manipura-Purana"' by Suniti Kumar Chatterji from Indological Studies in Honor of W. Norman Brown, American Oriental Society, 1962, pp. 28-41. This article is annotated and a sheet of handwritten notes inserted into it.
- Copy of 'Manipur Vaishnavism: A Sociological Interpretation' by Kunj Bihari Singh, from Sociological Bulletin (Bombay) Vol XII, No. 2, 1963, pp.66-72.
- Copy of 'Traces of Pre-Hinduism in the Meitei Society' by Kunj Bihari Singh, from Folklore Vol V, No. 6, June 1964, pp. 210-206.
- Copy of 'The Vestiges of Tree-Cult among the Meiteis' by Kunj Bihari Singh from Folklore, September 1964, pp. 334-6.
- Copy of 'India: Introduction', pp. 205-214, from South-East Asia Tribes, Minorities and Nations, edited by P. Kimstadtor, Princeton University Press, 1967.
- Manipur newspaper [1972]
- Iconographs in Manipur' by O.K. Singh, offprint from Sculptures of Manipur, Mutua Museum Bulletin No.2, December 1982.
- Copy of 'Jurisprudential Study of the Interaction of Meetei Customary Law and Hindu Law- by Sanaban Raghumani Singh, a thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Law, Kurukshetra University, April 1985, Prologue and Chapters 1 and 2.
- Manipur - A Ritual Theatre State' by Lokendra Arambam reprinted from Manipur University Research Journal, 1986: Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. III, No. 1 August 1986.
- Hoyang Hiren (Royal boat of Manipur)' pamphlet in English produced by the Manipur State Museum, September 1988.
- Advertising brochure for the 'Exhibition of Indigenous Musical Instruments of Manipur (from the collection of Manipur State Museum)' held from 7-24 January 1989.
- Copy of 'Urn-burial at Khaidem-Mang, Sugnu in Manipur' by O.K Singh, reprint from Souvenir - National Seminar on Man and Culture, 10-11 April 1991.
- Handwritten Notes on 'A Report on the 1994 excavation of Sikta, Manipur', 2 pieces.
- Copy of 'Some Rituals' part of Kwatha by Mayanglambam Gourachandra, published, People's Museum, Kakching, 1995.
- Copy of an extract from 'A Grammar of Meithei' by Shobhana L. Chlliah, published 1997, with handwritten annotations concerning incorrect entries.
- Correspondence between L.S. Springate, Royal Botanic Garden and Professor John Parratt concerning cuttings of 'langthrei' which Parratt had sent to the Botanic Garden, letter and email transcript, 19-26 August 1999. On reverse of email transcript are handwritten notes concerning the plant. This was found among the articles.
- News cutting of 'Response to NISC Paper' (Naga International Support Center) by Professor John Parratt, Imphal Free Press, 11 September 2004.
- Copy of 'Nupilal': Women's War, Gender and Sports in the History of Modern Manipur' by James H. Mills, published in NEIS Volume 1, No. 2, January 2006, pp.1-23. With the article is a compliment slip from James H. Mills.
- Copy of 'Manipuri Dance' by Christel Stevens, taken from Internet, in five parts, the first dated 2 February 2006.
- Copy of 'Bringing Manipuri Dance to the World Stage' by Christel Stevens. Abridged and edited version of the above article. Undated.
- Copy of 'Religious and Economic Reform: The Gaidinliu Movement and the Heraka in the North Cachar Hills' by Arkotong Longkumer. From the South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 30, No. 4, December 2007, pp. 499-515.
- Copy of 'The Art of Thang-Ta' by Laitonjam Kokngang Singh and Nongthombam Premchand published in Indian Folklife Serial No. 30 August 2008.
- Copy of 'Secondary Burial of the Chakpa Lois of Phayeng Village, Manipur, India' by Dr. Hoabijam Vokendro Singh, from Antrocom Online Journal of Anthropology, 2011, volume 7, n.1, pp.99-101.
- Copy of 'Manipur State Congress, Hijam Irabot and the Merger of Manipur with India' by John Parratt, Eastern Quarterly 2015. Paper delivered to the 34th Archives Week Celebration, Imphal, December 2013.
- Photocopy of 'Boundaries Blurred? Folklore, Mythology, History and the Quest for an Alternative Genealogy in North-east India' by Sohini Ray, published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 25, Part 2, 2015, pp. 247-267.
- Counting the dead in Manipur's shoot-to-kill war', report from BBC world News website, 3 July 2017.
- The Pioneer of Manipur, Typed by P.I.S.' - typed copy, undated.
- Copy of a map entitled 'Burma Mission Stations' printed by George Philip & Son Ltd., London, undated.
- List entitled 'Manipur State Archives, Photo Gallery', undated.
- Copy of 'Poireiton Khunthok: Birth, Origin or Migration Myth?' by Takhellambam Tomba, undated.
- Copy of 'Specimens of Meitei Proverbs' by Sm. Anima Devi. From Indian Folk-lore, pp. 63-74, undated.
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