Storey collected newspaper cuttings concerning situations which interested him. These are:
- The Question of Mosul: Conference Today concerning the arrival of Sir Percy Cox in Constantinople to negotiate with the Turks about Mosul. The Times, 17 May 1924. Printed,1 piece.
- Iran under Reza Shah: Security Risked for National Prestige: Playing off Germany against the Allies concerning the politics of Iran with western nations. Unknown paper [The Times], 26 August 1941. Printed, 1 piece.
- The Great Square in Teheran - photographs of Tehran and British and Iranian dignitaries. The Times, 26 August 1941.
- War Transport in Persia (with Map by Bip Pares) concerning transport issues in the War in Iran. The Railway Stockholder, December 1941. Printed, 1 piece.
- Withdrawal from Persia: Teheran's Suspicions of Russian Intentions: Soviet Influence in the North concerning the withdrawal of Allied troops from Persia. The Times, 6 October 1945. Printed, 1 piece.
- Persia Today concerning the Council of Foreign Ministers and their response to the withdrawal of troops from Persia. The Times, 6 October 1945. Printed, 1 piece.
- Revolt in South Persia: Tribal Agitation for Regional Autonomy: Reaction to Events in Azerbaijan concerning unrest in Fars, South Persia. The Times, 6 November 1946. Printed 1 piece.
- University of the Punjab - Applications for the post of University Professor of Persian. Job advertisement. The Times, 10 September 1948.
- 11th Century Persian MS. Purchase by the Bodleian concerning the purchase of a manuscript of a medical work by Abubakr at a sale at Sotheby's. The Times, 28 May 1950. There is a further news cutting about the purchase from unknown paper. Two pieces, printed.
- Disappointing: Experts' Persian Studies Review of 'The Legacy of Persia' edited by A.J. Arberry, review written by Raymond Mortimer. Sunday Times, 3 May 1953.
- Actualities in Persia concerning the current politics and culture of the area. The Times Literary Supplement, 5 August 1955. Printed, 1 piece.
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