Description of Mongolia for visitors, "La Mongolie vue par les yeus des etrangers", published by Edition d'Etat de la Rp de Mongolie.
85 Archivistische beschrijving results for Mongolia
Tourist guide to Mongolia, published by the Zhuulchin Travel Agency.
Zonder titelFlier from the Anglo-Mongolian Society about the benefits of membership, the current officers, and subscription rates.
Zonder titelLetter from Viscount Furness, Chairman, Anglo-Mongolian Society, to John Massey Stewart, informing him of a meeting, in October 1963, of people who had visited Mongolia and their subsequent decision to form the Anglo-Mongolian Society. Furness invites Massey Stewart to attend their forthcoming meeting.
Zonder titelNovosti Press Agency, Press Release No. 13694 concerning various archaeological discoveries in Mongolia. Dated 16 April 1973.
A list of members of the Anglo-Mongolian Society for April 1975.
Zonder titelNotice of a meeting of the Anglo-Mongolian Society to be held on 3 March 1976.
Zonder titelCharles Bawden's "Time of Transition in an Empty Land". A column about modern Mongolia from the Manchester Guardian, 24 October 1958.
Zonder titel"Chinese Pact with Mongolia" about formally fixing the 2500 mile border between the two countries, from The Times, 27 December 1962.
Newspaper report about Mr. Khushchev from the Observer, 13 January [1963?]