Identity area
Reference code
GB 891 CAS-CAS/10-CAS/10/4-CAS/10/4/11
Letter from Herbert Niel Randle to Charles Ambrose Storey, 21 February 1939
- 21 February 1939 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Typed, 1 piece
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Herbert Niel Randle C.I.E. F.B.A. (1880–1973) was the librarian of the India Office Library (1933–49; assistant librarian 1927–33),pro fessor of philosophy at Queen's College, Benares, and a writer on Indian philosophy.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Letter from Herbert Niel Randle, Keeper of Oriental Books and Manuscripts, India Office Library, to Charles Ambrose Storey to ask whether he will be sending further descriptions in the near future and therefore needing payment for them.
Description control area
Description identifier
gb 891 cas/10/4/11