The papers of Bhagwan Lal Indraji consist of a large leather-bound notebook bequeathed by Bhagwan Lal to the Royal Asiatic Society. Though the book bears a title of "Flora of the North West Provinces and the Kuyaub by the author", the majority of the… read more
GB 891 BL
1854 - 1888
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GB 891 SC15
Sheet of blue card with the dedication: "To the Right Honorable C.W.W.Wynne, President, and to the Members of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, This Representation of a Magnificent Indian Golden Medal or Coin (of 70 oz wt), Taken from a richly… read more
GB 891 WP
5th Jan 1869 - 10th Apr 1943
Personal papers of William Pettigrew connected with the Manipuri language and other local dialects.
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