Letter from Terence Gray to W.E.D. Allen in which Gray asks Allen on the source of the genealogy Allen included in his book on Georgian dynasties. In asking Gray makes reference to a disparity between Allen's work and the work of Toumanoff, an author with work on the same topic. Gray hopes that Allen is still studying Georgian genealogy and that further research may lead to an more authoritative conclusion. Dated 24 November 1957.
Gray Terence James Stannus Founder Cambridge Festival Theatre
GB 891 WA-WA/3-WA/3/3
24th Nov 1957
Part of Papers of William Edward David Allen
GB 891 WA-WA/3-WA/3/5
24th Jan 1958
Part of Papers of William Edward David Allen
Letter from Terence Gray to W.E.D. Allen in which Gray shares with Allen his findings on the reasons why Georgian genealogy is a contested subject. He offers a critique of the methods used by historians to map out the genealogy highlighting the fact that they apply to European methods which overlook the unique nature of succession in the Georgian context. Gray also informs Allen of a committee that is being formed to revise existing genealogies and put together a definitive version, Allen would be asked to be a member of this committee and Gray urges him to accept the offer. Dated: 24 January 1958.
Gray Terence James Stannus Founder Cambridge Festival Theatre