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Iran Society
GB 891 OS20 · Fonds · 2002 - 2003

Material concerned with the Iran Society and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with it. These are:

  • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society to inquire regarding possibilities of cooperation between the two societies and to include a copy of the programme for 2002-2003 and a history of the Iran Society written by Sir Denis Wright. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 21 October 2002. With the letter are the programme and history.
  • Copy of an email from Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society to Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to report on talking with colleagues in the Royal Asiatic Society regarding a possible collaboration for a lecture. Typed, dated 15 November 2002.
  • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society to send a copy of the Iran Society Journal which has been relaunched. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 12 January 2003. A copy of the Journal for September 2002 is with the letter.
  • Copies of emails between Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, and Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society concerning a possible conference on Islamic gardens. Typed, dated 25 February 2003.
  • Letter from Michael Noel-Clarke, Chairman, The Iran Society, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the publication of Sir Denis Wright's Collected Essays. Typed, dated 24 June 2003.
Iran Society
GB 891 RAS ICO · Fonds · 1889 - 1993

The International Congress of Orientalists, initiated in Paris in 1873, was an international conference of Orientalists. It was later renamed as the International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa and then as the International Congress of Asian and North African Studies. This material covers the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Congress in the time period 1889 to 1993.

International Congress of Orientalists
GB 891 RAS OC12 · Fonds · 1938 - 1939

The Fifth International Congress of Linguists took place in Brussels from 28 August to 2 September 1939. This material contains correspondence and printed material connected to this Congress. These are:

  • First Circular for the Fifth International Congress of Linguists giving details of the Conference and the topics to be addressed. Written in French, dated 20 October 1938.
  • Postcard from H.W. Bailey to Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform him that Bailey was intending to attend the Congress. Handwritten, dated 12 January 1939.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the Secretary, International Congress of Linguists, to inform him that Professor H.W. Bailey will represent the Society at the Congress. Typed, dated 26 January 1939.
International Congress of Linguists
GB 891 RAS OC7 · Fonds · 1933 - 1934

Three items connected with the International Congress of Geography in Warsaw held on the 25-31 August 1934 under the auspices of the International Geographical Union. These are:

  • First Circular for the International Congress with a letter from Stanislaw Pawlowski, General Secretary, and Eugenjusz Romer, inviting participants to the Congress. The circular also covers Terms of the Congress, the Themes of the Meetings, and Excursions. A handwritten annotation notes "Resolved on 12.10.33 not to nominate a representative".
  • Bulletin D'Adhésion for the Congress for becoming a Member of the Congress, taking part in the discussion, and taking part in the excursions. Printed in French.
  • Second Circular for the International Congress giving further information about the Congress, the subjects for discussion and the excursions.
International Congress of Geography
GB 891 RAS OC5 · Fonds · 1933 - 1968

Correspondence and official documentation concerned with International Congresses of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences and the association of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Congresses.

International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
GB 891 OS10 · Fonds · 1938

In 1938, l'Institut d'Histoire de l'Émigration Politique Contemporaine celebrated the 750th anniversary of the death of the Georgian poet, Chota Roustaveli. This correspondence and printed material are in connection with that celebration. They are:

  • Letter from The President, Institut d'Histoire de l'Emigration Politique Contemporaine, to the Royal Asiatic Society to inform them of the celebration, of the Organising Committee, and of associated names and activities. He asks if the Society will consent to send a representative. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 29 January 1938.
  • "Institut d'Histoire de l'Émigration Politique Contemporaine" - printed pamphlet concerning the Committees of the Society and its activities.
  • Letter from Royal Asiatic Society to l'Institut d'Histoire de l'Émigration Politique Contemporaine to state that Sir Oliver Wardrop would be the Society's representative upon the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the death of the Georgian Poet, Chola Roustaveli. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 18 February 1938.
  • Postcard from Sir Oliver Wardrop to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to state that the ceremony has been postponed until 30 March 1938. Handwritten, dated 20 February 1938.
Institut d'Histoire de l'Émigration Politique Contemporaine
India Office Library
GB 891 OS24 · Fonds · 1948 - 1961

Correspondence concerned with the future of the India Office Library in 1948 and again in 1961.

India Office Library
GB 891 OS3 · Fonds · 1932

The material consists of a printed letter advertising the Friends of the Palestine Museums, and correspondence with the Royal Asiatic Society. Specifically:

  • Printed letter from the Friends of the Palestine Museums explaining the purpose of the organisation and inviting others to join. It is undated and unsigned but is headed with a list of officers and members of Council of the organisation.
  • Note from Colonel Hoysted, Secretary to Royal Asiatic Society, to Sir Edward Maclagan, President, to ask whether the Friends of the Palestine Museums should be brought up at the forthcoming Council meeting of the Society. The same piece of paper bears a reply from Maclagan suggesting there might be items that the Royal Asiatic Society could lend to the Friends of the Palestine Museums. Handwritten, dated 26 May 1932.
  • Letter from Colonel Hoysted, Secretary to Royal Asiatic Society, to The Organising Secretary, Friends of the Palestine Museums, to state that the Society would wish to support the Friends and that he personally would be happy to help. He will send a list of the Society's members and will look through the Library for articles that may be of interest. Typed, dated 24 May 1932.
  • Letter from F.J. Duncan, Organising Secretary, Friends of the Palestine Museums, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to thank for his letter and to ask if he may make an appointment to meet with Hoysted. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 30 May [1932].
  • Letter from F.J. Duncan to Colonel Hoysted to thank him for the card with Dr Zwemet's address and to also thank regarding advice given. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 3 June [1932].
Friends of the Palestine Museums
GB 891 OS22 · Fonds · 1990 - 2000

Correspondence between the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are: * Correspondence between the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Royal Asiatic Society concerning the Society subscribing to the Foundation. Four letters and one form, dated 18 May 1990 -12 November 1990.

  • Letter from K. Lawrey, Learned Societies Liaison Officer, Foundation for Science and Technology to J. A. Payne, Royal Asiatic Society, to send the final version of the guidance paper approved by the Charity Commission on Safeguarding Treasures. Dated 2 September 1997. The paper is with the letter.
  • Letter from K. Lawrey, Learned Societies Liaison Officer, Foundation for Science and Technology to the Chief Executive/Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask for letters of nomination for a vacancy on the Foundation's Council. Dated 1 February 2000.
Foundation for Science and Technology
GB 891 OS12 · Fonds · 1933 - 1993

These papers are concerned with the Finnish Oriental Society and the interaction of the Royal Asiatic Society with them in 1933 and 1983.

Finnish Oriental society