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GB 891 QW · Fonds · [1770 - 1820]

The Papers of Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales contain papers relating to his archaeological work in southeast Asia including expedition notes, personal notebooks, diaries, manuscript proofs, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and maps. Listed within this catalogue are objects and items of furniture which were also part of the bequest of Quaritch Wales' wife, Dorothy, to the Royal Asiatic Society.

Wales Horace Geoffrey Quaritch 1900-1981 Archaeologist
Papers of A.R. Ward
GB 891 ARW · Fonds · 1923 - 1924

The Papers of A.R. Ward consist of the manuscript draft for his fifth edition of the Prophecy concerning Rōsh Kĕlälǟh. This consists of an offprint for the fourth edition, pasted into a lined handmade notebook with insertions and annotations to correct and make additions to the previous edition.

With the draft are two handwritten letters. The first, from A.R. Ward to the Secretary, Society of Biblical Archaeology, states that he is sending an advance copy of the fifth edition, and that he particularly wants to draw the Secretary's attention to some dates on p.81f. The letter is dated 9 November 1923 and sent from 62, The Avenue, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. With this letter is a handwritten copy of the pages of which A.R. Ward wanted the Secretary to be aware.

The second letter is from A.R. Ward to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, in response to a letter sent by the Secretary, as the Society of Biblical Archaeology had been absorbed into the Royal Asiatic Society. He states that the revised manuscript was intended for the library of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. He had delayed its publication as it needed more work done on the manuscript. The letter is dated 14 February 1924 and from the same address.

Ward A.R.
Papers of Abraham Poliak
GB 891 AP · Fonds · 1968 - 1972

This collection contains correspondence between Abraham Poliak and the Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society (Diana Crawford), concerning the proposed reprint of Poliak's publication, Feudalism in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and the Lebanon 1250-1900. This was originally published in 1939 funded by the Society's Prize Publication Fund.

Due to Poliak's death in 1970, the proposed reprint never came to fruition, The collection also contains three notebooks of draft amendments made by Poliak.

Poliak (also know as Polak) Abraham 1910-1970 Professor Israeli Historian
GB 891 OS29 · Fonds · 1935 - 2011

Correspondence between the Royal Asiatic Society and other Societies and Institutions. These are:

  • Invitation from the Wellcome Archaeological Research Expedition to the Near East to the Annual Exhibition of Antiquities from Tell Duweir (Lachish), Palestine from the 1934-1935 season excavations. Printed, 1 piece.
  • Letter from Fiona Easton, Administrative Assistant, Hakluyt Society, to Professor Francis Robinson, President, Royal Asiatic Society, concerning the possibility of a joint memorial meeting to commemorate the life of Professor C.F. Beckingham. Typed with printed letterhead, dated 4 November 1998.
  • Letter from Lilla Russell-Smith, Editor, Circle of Inner Asian Art, to Adrian Thomas, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire of the possibility of using rooms at the Royal Asiatic Society for a base for their activities, Typed with printed letterhead, dated 28 June 2002.
  • "Cooperation Protocol between Yunus Emre Institue and Royal Asiatic Society" - an agreement between the two organisations to work together, dated 7 May 2011.
Hakluyt society
Oriental Translation Fund
GB 891 OTF · Fonds · 1828 - 2020

The collection features a range of material highlighting the activities of the Oriental Translation Fund both from its origins in 1828 and after being revived in 1888 by Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot.

Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland
Oriental Societies
GB 891 RAS ALL · Fonds · [1990]

Two lists of Oriental Societies, one detailing their founding dates; and the other giving addresses.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Mythic Society
GB 891 RAS ALL10 · Fonds · 1934 - 1989

Correspondence from the interaction of the Mythic Society, based in Bangalore, and the Royal Asiatic Society. These are:

  • Invitation from the President and Council of the Mythic Society, Bangalore, to attend the celebrations of the Silver Jubilee of the Society on 27 November 1934. With the invitation is a Programme of Events. Both printed.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to the General Secretary, Mythic Society, to send the Society's thanks for the invitation to the Silver Jubilee celebrations, to send congratulations, and their regrets that the invitation arrived too late for them to send a representative. Typed, dated 11 December 1934.
  • Letter from the Manager, Mythic Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to provide a sketch of the activities of the Mythic Society. Typed, dated 31 March 1989.
Mythic Society (Bangalore Library)
GB 891 RAS ALL6 · Fonds · 1962 - 1997

These papers were collated in the interaction of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society with the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
Madras Literary Society
GB 891 RAS ALL3 · Fonds · 1831 - 2006

The Madras Literary Society became allied to the Royal Asiatic Society in 1830. This material was gathered from the interaction between the two societies. These are:

  • "Translations of the Three Inscriptions/ old Telugu Character/ on the Five Copper Plates presented to the Madras Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 30th January, 1831".
  • Translations of the inscriptions with explanatory notes, handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Mr M. Ruthnasamy as the Corresponding fellow. Typed, dated 16 September 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name and address of the President of the Society. Typed, dated 24 October 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to give the name, Professor M.D. Altokar as the Corresponding Fellow. Typed, dated 3 December 1941.
  • Letter from the Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Miss D Crawford, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inquire regarding the association between the two societies. Typed, dated 20 February 1968.
  • Note from R. Loewe, University College, London, concerning a paper that he had thought was about the Madras Literary Society. Handwritten, dated 5 April.
  • Letter from Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to he Honorary Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to ask, on behalf of the Council, for the Madras Literary Society to send an account of their activities for the Council to assess if the link between the two societies can be resuscitated. Typed, dated 11 April 1968.
  • "Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of Royal Asiatic Society (Est. 1812)" - leaflet concerning the history and current activities of the Society. Printed, dating between 1982 -1988.
  • Letter from Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, to Professor Anthony Stockwell, President, Royal Asiatic Society, to send their society's best wishes as the Royal Asiatic Society moves into its new accommodation. Typed, dated 8 August 2006.
  • Letter from Camilla Willemse Larsen, Executive Officer, Royal Asiatic Society, to Radm M Raman, General Secretary, Madras Literary Society, in response to his letter, to express gratitude for their kind words. Typed, dated 24 August 2008.
Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society