The Book of Lieh-tzu was published by John Murray (London) in 1960 as part of the UNESCO Chinese translation series. It was reprinted in New York by Colombia University Press in 1990 with a new preface by Graham. The material in this series consists of a draft of the publications, reviews for the first edition and correspondence concerning the reprint.
Graham Angus Charles 1919-1991Correspondence concerned with the reprinting of The Book of Lieh-tzu by Columbia University Press.
Graham Angus Charles 1919-1991Letter from Erica Smith, Consultant editor, Mandala, HarperCollins Publishers, to Angus Graham to enclose a copy of the blurb for the new edition of The Book of Lieh-tzu and to ask again whether he would consider writing a new preface. She also asks for his ideas on cover design. The back cover copy is with the letter.
HarperCollins PublishersLetter from Erica Smith, Consultant editor, Mandala, HarperCollins Publishers, to Angus Graham to inform him that they have agreed with John Murray to publish a new edition of The Book of the Lieh-tzu . She asks whether he would be willing to write a new preface for the edition.
HarperCollins PublishersLetter from Erica Smith, Consultant editor, Mandala, HarperCollins Publishers, to Angus Graham to thank for his letter and to express her disappointment at Graham's unwillingness to write a new preface. Dated 1990 but most likely written in 1991.
HarperCollins PublishersAuthor Questionnaire from HarperCollins Publishers for The Book of Lieh-tzu. Printed questionnaire partially filled in by Graham.
HarperCollins Publishers