導引圖論文集, published by 文物出版社 in 1979, packed with two full colour posters, 馬王堆三號漢墓出土導引圖 and 馬王堆三號漢墓出土導引圖復原圖 and accompanying envelope.
Three black and white cuttings/photographs of Buddhist sculptures; Sandstone Buddha in high relief from Indian Art and Letters Vol. IX, 1935 £7,875 for bronze Buddha from Thailand from The Times, 19 July 1974 Bronze Buddha at Singapore Museum from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Malayan branch, Vol. XX, 1947. These three cuttings are glued on to a piece of card.
'Zur Stellung der Nautikertexte innerhalb der Sternomenklater der Araber von Paul Kunitzsch', article from Der Islam, 1967. This has been heavily annotated by Tibbetts and there are further inserts containing his notes.
Kunitzsch PaulZur Problematik der auslautenden Dentale im Altchinesischen: -l neben -r by Ulrich Unger. Draft article [ublished in 好古 Hao-ku Sinologische Rundbriefe, Nr. 35.
Unger Ulrich orientaliste"Zool MSS". Rough list of Zoological manuscripts; Handwritten, 1 piece, I side, undated.
Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 OrientalistZhouyi Network, Issue 1, January 1986, edited by Kidder Smith.
Smith Kidder b 1944Partial copy from Zhonghua wenshi luncong 中華文史論叢, page 32-67.
Description: Dark green hardcover unruled notebook with blue pages handwritten in ink. Inserts held with strings. Identified as West 31 in de Menasce handlist.
- Zand i Bahman Yast, a Pazand text
- "Contents of the Seventh Fargard of the Sidkhar Nask [Sutgar Nask] from the Dinkard, fol. 377 ab"
- "Contents of the Hadokht Nask from Dinkard, fol. 374b. - 375a" Transliteration and Translation
Inserts: folios with "Properties of Nitrogen" and a folio on Oxygen and loose folios that make Bahman Yasht in Middle Persian.
West Edward William 1824-1905"Yorkshire, May 1979 (Princess car)" - typed itinerary of their tour, 1 side.
"Yorkshire and Northumberland Motor tour, June 1971. H.G.Q.W. & D.C.Q.W." - typed itinerary of their tour, 1 piece, 1 side. With this is a short itinerary for a trip to Greece and Rome in September and October 1971, 1 piece, 1 side.