Hodgson used much of his time in both Nepal and Darjeeling in research, wanting to discover and understand about the architecture, languages, ethnography, religion, zoology and botany. He collected specimens and manuscripts, and had many drawings made,… read more
GB 891 BHH
1817 - 1897
Brian Houghton
Indian Civil Servant, Naturalist
GB 891 EWW
1844 - 1905
The Papers of Edward William West reflect his interest in Pahlavi language and Zoroastrianism. The majority are handwritten notebooks and other manuscripts in which he did his work. These often have many inserts. There are also loose handwritten notes,… read more
GB 891 JSK
[1860 - 1910]
A set of handwritten notes concerning inscriptions. They are titled:
- The Naqbu-i-Hajar Inscription with commentary
- The Hisn Ghurāb Inscription
- Nouvelles Études sur L'Epigraphie du Yemen par MM Joseph et Hartwig Derenbourg
- Minoean B.M. 92 Glaser 284
- Comparative Alphabet