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Archival description
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/1 · Series · 1889 - 1902
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 8th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Stockholm and Christiania in 1889. Material from this conference is:

  • "Menu du Diner Offert au VIII Congrès International des Orientalistes, Stockholm Le 7 Sept 1889" - Colour, printed pamphlet in multiple languages, describing each of the courses.
    • Silver and enamelled drinking horn presented by the King of Sweden to the Congress. Within original presentation case.
    • Note describing the drinking horn and quoting an extract from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1902, when it was recorded that the horn should be kept at the Society.
    • Two copies of the pamphlet "Quousque Tandem? Der Achte Internationale Orientalisten-Congress: Und Der Neunte? Eine Zusammenstellung von Albr. Weber" - Printed in Berlin, 1891.
International Congress of Orientalists
1897 - Paris
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/3 · Series · 1897
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 11th International Oriental Congress was held in Paris in 1897. The papers consist of a printed pamphlet entiteld "The Eleventh International Oriental Congress" By Robert Needham Cust, LL.D.. It is a report of the congress extracted from "Linguistic and Oriental Essays" Series V, pp.993-1012, and was printed by Stephen Austin and Sons, Hertford in 1897.

International Congress of Orientalists
1902 - Hamburg
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/4 · Series · 1902
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 13th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Hamburg in September 1902. The material consists of a single pamphlet, entitled "Neunter Bericht" (Ninth Report) of the programme for the 9-10 September 1902.

International Congress of Orientalists
1908 - Copenhagen
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/5 · Series · 1908 - 1909
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 15th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Copenhagen in 1908. The material from this conference consists of two printed pamphlets: "Actes du Quinzième Congrès International des Orientalistes Session de Copenhague 1908" and "Appendice aux Actes du Quinzième Congrès International des Orientalistes Session de Copenhague 1908" detailing participants and programme for the Congress. These were published in Copenhagen in 1909.

International Congress of Orientalists
1912 - Athens
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/6 · Series · 1912
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 16th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Athens in 1912. The material consists of the Fifth Bulletin for the Congress detailing the Organising Committee, Programme and participants. This pamphlet has uncut pages.

International Congress of Orientalists
1935 - Rome
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/9 · Series · 1935
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 19th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Rome in September 1935. The material from this Congress is:

  • "First Communication" from Dr Vittore Pisani, Secretary, Organising Committee, to inform of the date of the forthcoming Congress to be held in Rome from 23-29 September 1935. Typed with handwritten annotations, dated March 1935.
  • "Extract from Minutes of Council 11 April 1935" which states that Professor Margoliouth will represent the Society when the invitation comes for the Congress. Handwritten.
  • Letter from Henriette Devonshire to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to inform him that she has not yet made contact with Mrs Friend. She asks if she may consider herself a delegate from the Royal Asiatic Society at the forthcoming International Congress of Orientalists where she will be delivering a paper on The Upkeep of Islamic Monuments in Cairo. She asks for Hoysted to send an article from the Journal. Handwritten, dated 26 April 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted to Mrs. Devonshire to reply to her letter. He hopes she will meet Mrs Friend in the autumn, and that she must consider herself a delegate of the Royal Asiatic Society. He encloses an offprint of the journal article she requested. Typed, dated 7 May 1935.
  • Second Communication from Dr Vittore Pisani, Secretary, Organising Committee for the 19th International Congress of Orientalists, giving details of fees and transport suggestions. With the communication is a list of hotels and a form to order accommodation. Printed, dated May 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The Secretary, XIX International Congress of Orientalists, to inform that the Council have appointed their President, Professor Margoliouth, as the official representative. Typed, dated 8 May 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The Secretary, XIX International Congress of Orientalists, to thank for the Second communication and ask for the third communication and details. Typed, dated 12 June 1935.
  • Letter from Henriette Devonshire to Colonel Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask for a further article to be sent to her. Handwritten, dated 25 June 1935.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to The Secretary, XIX International Congress of Orientalists, to inform that other members of the Society will also be present at the conference including Mrs R.L. Devonshire. Typed, dated 9 July 1935.
  • Letter from Dr T de Somaggi to Col. Hoysted to write a report concerning the Congress of Rome as many English friends were unable to be present because of the Anglo-Italian political tension. Handwritten, dated 23 October 1935.
  • Lidzbarski Trust Medal presented to Nikolaus Rhodokanakis at the International Oriental Congress in Rome, 1935. The medal was presented at the conferences for work in epigraphy. Boxed medal with head, name and dates of Lidzabarski on front and inscription on reverse.
Devonshire Henriette Caroline 1864-1949
1938 - Brussels
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/10 · Series · 1937 - 1938
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 20th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Brussels in September 1938. The material connected to this congress is:

  • Letter from Dr G. Ryckmans, Institut Orientaliste de l'Université de Louvain, to the Director of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society to inform that the place of the forthcoming conference is likely to be in Brussels. Handwritten with printed letterhead, dated 17 December 1937.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to Dr. G. Ryckmans, Institut Orientaliste de l'Université de Louvain, to thank for his letter and warning about the 20th Congress and to state that he had cancelled the prepared statement for the Journal of the Society. Typed, dated 8 January 1938.
  • "Première Circulaire" for the 20th Congress to state that it will be held in Brussels from 5-10 September 1938. Printed in French with handwritten annotations, dated January 1938.
  • Letter from Jean Capart, Secretary-General, and L. de la Vallée Poussin, President, Organising Committee, to invite a delegate from the receiving organisation. Printed in French with handwritten annotations, dated 10 February 1938.
  • "Deuxième Circulaire" for the 20th Congress giving administrative information and providing a form to subsribe to the "Bulletin D'Inscription". Printed in French, dated April 1938.
  • "Troisième Circulaire" for the 20th Congress giving more detailed logistical information. Within the circular is a "Bulletin D'Inscription" form partially completed for Louise Wallace Hackney. Printed in French with handwritten annotations, dated June 1938.
  • Letter from Louise Wallace Hackney to Colonel Hoysted to state that she had completed and sent a form previously. She is unsure where she will be staying for the Congress. Handwritten, dated 17 July 1938.
  • Letter from Thomas Cook and Son Ltd., to Colonel Hoysted to send copies of an itinerary for arrangements for the 20th Congress. Typed, dated 20 July 1938. The itinerary is with the letter.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted to Thomas Cook and Sons Ltd. to thank for the details of their tour to Brussels for the International Congress. Typed, dated 21 July 1938.
  • Letter from Thomas Cook and Son Ltd., to Colonel Hoysted to ask whether a venue and date for the next Congress had been decided at the Brussels conference. Typed, dated 21 September 1938.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted to the Secretary General, XXth International Congress of Orientalists, to ask whether any arrangements of the place and date of the 21st Congress had been made. Typed, dated 4 October 1938.
  • Letter from Col. Hoysted to Thomas Cook and Sons Ltd. to state he was unable to give any information concerning the 21st Congress. Typed, dated 20 October 1938.
International Congress of Orientalists
1948 - Paris
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/11 · Series · 1948
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 21st International Congress of Orientalists was held in Paris in July 1948. Material associated with this Congress is:

  • "Première Circulaire" from J. Bacot, President of the Societé Asiatique concerning the 21st Congress to be held in Paris. Printed in French, undated.
  • "Deuxème Circulaire" from J. Bacot, President, and R. Grousset, Secretary-General, Organising Committee, concerning details of the 21st Congress. Printed in French, undated.
  • "Bulletin d'Adhésion" for the 21st Congress. Printed in French, undated.
International Congress of Orientalists
1954 - Cambridge
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/13 · Series · 1951 - 1985
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 23rd International Congress of Orientalists was held in Cambridge in 1954. The material connected with this Congress includes correspondence concerning organising and finance of the Congress, correspondence regarding attendance, General programme, correspondence regarding the publication of the Proceedings of the Conference and a further research enquiry.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
1960 - Moscow
GB 891 RAS ICO-RAS ICO/14 · Series · 1959 - 1960
Part of International Congress of Orientalists

The 25th International Congress of Orientalists was held in Moscow in August 1960. The material associated with this Congress is:

  • First Circular for the XXVth International Congress of Orientalists from B.G. Gafurov, Chairman, and I.M. Diakonoff, Secretary, Organising Committee, giving details of the dates and sections for the Congress. Printed in Russian and English, undated.
  • Second Circular from the Organising Committee to give further organisational information regarding the Congress. Printed in Russian and English, undated. With the circular is an application form for attendance at the Congress, also printed in Russian and English.
  • Announcement from the Royal Asiatic Society of the 25th International Congress with the sections and registration fee. Printed, dated September 1959.
  • Application form to attend the Congress. Printed in Russian and English, undated.
  • Notice of flights to and hotels in Moscow. Typed with handwritten annotations, undated.
  • List of British delegates for the Congress. Typed, undated.
  • Letter from the International Union of Orientalists to the Royal Asiatic Society to invite the Society to take part in the General Assembly at the forthcoming Congress. Typed, dated 8 July 1960.
  • Letter from Denis Sinor to Mrs Davis, Royal Asiatic Society, to ask her to make sure that the Society's subscription is paid to the International Union of Orientalists. Typed, dated 11 July 1960.
Sinor Denis 1916-2011