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GB 891 BHH-BHH/6-BHH/6/6 · File · Feb 1830
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

A Bhojpuri rāga song known as the Morang song referring to an expedition to Burma. English title says "Moran song: on the expedition to Burmah land sung at Nepal Durbar, Feb [5] 1830. Handwritten in Bhojpuri, dated February 1830.

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
A cursory Notice of Nayakote
GB 891 BHH-BHH/14-BHH/14/4 · File · 1841
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"A cursory Notice of Nayakote By B.H. Hodgson, Esq. Resident at the Court of Nepal". Two copies of an unbound offprint from Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1841, concerning the Valley of Náyakόt and the Awalia people who live there. Few annotationsread more

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
GB 891 BHH-BHH/16-BHH/16/2 · File · 1854 - 1855
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"A Discourse on Translation with Reference to the Educational Despatch of the Hon. Court of Directors, of the 19th July 1854" by James Ballantyne, Principal of the Government College, Benares. Printed at the expense of the Government, at the Orphanread more

Ballantyne James Robert 1813-1864 Principal of Government College, Benares
GB 891 BHH-BHH/13-BHH/13/13 · File · 1834
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"A Grammar of the Tibetan Language in English, prepared under the Patronage of the Government, and the Auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös, Siculo-Hungarian of Transylvania". Printed at the Baptist Mission Press,read more

Koros Alexander Csoma de 1784-1842 Orientalist
A List of Lists
GB 891 BHH-BHH/11-BHH/11/11 · File · 1854 - 1858
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

A List of Lists. One side of paper has a list of 9 different lists pertaining to Hodgson's possessions. On reverse are various titles pertaining to lists and dates ranging from 1854-58. Handwritten, 1 piece, 2 sides, 1854-1858.

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
GB 891 BHH-BHH/16-BHH/16/20 · File · 1877
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"A Scheme for the Rendering of European Scientific Terms into the Vernacular of India" by Rajendrala Mitra . Published Calcutta, 1877. Soft cover pamphlet. On cover are notes, "From the author Sept 77 BHH" and "NB See mu Educations Letter". Printedread more

Rajendralal Mitra 1824-1891
GB 891 BHH-BHH/6-BHH/6/2-BHH/6/2/8 · Item · [1820 - 1860]
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"A Specimen of the Váyu language". A sample of Váyu / Háyu writing with its English translation giving the story of a man called Pachyá. Handwritten, 2 pieces, 4 sides, undated.

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
GB 891 BHH-BHH/6-BHH/6/9-BHH/6/9/1 · Item · 28th Sep 1856
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"Aborigines of the Nílgiris by B H Hodgson B.C.S". Draft paper with corrections, annotations and insertions concerning the language and people of the Nílgiris. Note at the head of paper reads "Sent to As. Soc. Oct 30/56" and the Paper is dated Darjeeling,read more

Hodgson Brian Houghton 1800-1894 Orientalist
GB 891 BHH-BHH/15-BHH/15/16 · File · 1877
Part of Papers of Brian Houghton Hodgson

"Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres", October-December 1877. Hodgson has marked p.315 and added note to cover. The page covers Sanskrit manuscripts offered by the Raya Rajendrala Mitra Bahadur. Printed journal in French, 1 item, dated 1877.

Institut de France Académie de inscriptions et belleslettres 1663- Paris, France