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Archival description
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/3-RAS COLL6/3/5 · Subseries · 1950-ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and handlists for manuscripts in Southeast Asian languages and scripts notably Thai, Javanese and Malay:

  • 'List of Raffles; Javanese MSS. in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society, London' created by R.O. Winstedt and P. Voorhoeve in 1950 - handwritten list of the Javanese manuscripts donated to the Society by Sir Stamford Raffles, listing 48 manuscripts.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society: Raffles's Javanese MSS. Hand List 1956' - typed list with handwritten annotations, 4 pieces.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society: Siamese MSS. Hand List 1956' - typed list with handwritten annotations, 3 pieces.
  • 'List of the Malay Manuscripts in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society, London' compiled by P. Voorhoeve. Offprint from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Parts 1&2, April 1963. Printed with handwritten annotations.
  • List of manuscripts in Balinese, Madurese, Sundanese, Javanese and Old Javanese, 33 pieces, and further list of manuscripts in Malay and Mawken, 77 pieces, prepared by M.C. Ricklefs. With the lists is a letter from M.C. Ricklefs. Department of History, SOAS, to Simon Digby, Honorary Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society to send the list and to inform of his intention that they will become part of a union catalogue for such manuscripts in British libraries which he is compiling with P. Voorhoeve. The letter is dated 6 October 1972.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society, Thai Manuscripts' - computer printed list of the Thai manuscripts with accompanying copy of an email from Jana Igunma, British Library, to Kathy Lazenblatt, Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, to send the list and comment on some manuscripts of special interest. 4 pieces in total, the email is dated 24 January 2014.
Sino-Tibetan Manuscripts
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/3-RAS COLL6/3/6 · Subseries · 1978- ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and handlists for manuscripts in the Sino-Tibetan group of languages:

  • 'Four Tibetan Mongolian Mss. given to the Royal Asiatic Society by the Rev'd Robert Yuille - as identified and numbered by Professor Charles Bawden in March 1978' - typed list of the manuscripts, 1 piece.

Electronic document - archival document created in 2024.

  • 'CHINESE MANUSCRIPTS' - box list for the Chinese manuscripts in the Society's collections, first created in 2008.
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/3-RAS COLL6/3/3 · Subseries · 1823 - ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and handlists for manuscripts in Sanskrit and other Indian languages. These are:

  • ‘A Catalogue of South Indian Manuscripts (especially those of the Whish Collection) belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland’ compiled by Dr M. Winternitz, Professor of the German University of Prague, with an appendix by F.W. Thomas, dated 1902. Also bound with this is ‘Catalogue of Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the possession of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hodgson Collection’ by Professors E.B. Cowell and J. Eggeling and ‘Catalogue of the Tod Collection of Indian Manuscripts in the Possession of the Royal Asiatic Society’ by L.D Barnett, dated 1940. Printed catalogues with handwritten annotations and notes inserted, 347 pages, Bound volume. This is kept in the Reading Room Office.
  • ‘Catalogue of the Tod Collection of Indian Manuscripts in the possession of the Royal Asiatic Society’ by L.D. Barnett. Typed manuscript with handwritten annotations, 102 pages. Bound volume, dated 1938. This is kept in the Reading Room Office.
  • 'List of the Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts presented to the R.A.S. by Brian Hodgson'. - handwritten list, 1 piece.
  • 'Whish MSS (not in printed catalogue)' - handwritten list of some of the South Indian manuscripts donated by Charles Whish, 2 pieces.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society - Tamil MSS' - typed list of the Tamil manuscripts, 2 pieces with a further giving details of Tamil manuscript 13A.
  • 'Previously Unidentified Manuscripts - Rajasthani' - list of Rajasthani manuscripts within the collection created by Rima Hooja, Visiting Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society, in 2002. Computer printed, 20 pieces.

Electronic documents - archival versions were created in 2024.

  • 'South Indian Sanskrit / Whish Manuscripts' - a document detailing the extent and background of these manuscripts in the collections, created by Kathy Lazenblatt, Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society, in 2017.
  • 'Tod Manuscript Collection' - a detailed list of the manuscripts in the Society's Collections donated by James Tod, the Society's first Librarian. This was compiled by Rima Hooja in 2002.
  • 'Handlist of Tamil Manuscripts in the Royal Asiatic Society' - based on a typescript list of c.1956, with amendments and additions. Re-typed March 2009. List of the Society's Tamil manuscripts.
GB 891 RAS COLL6 · Fonds · 1823 - ongoing

In caring for the collections and making them accessible to researchers various lists and catalogues have been collated throughout the Society's history. Some of these have been published but many are unpublished or in draft form prior to publication. These have been kept as important sources of both information about the nature of the collections and also how the Society has historically organised them. Please note, however, that not all the items in the catalogues and lists are still within the Society's collections.

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1823 London, England
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/6 · Series · 1900-ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and handlists for the photographs in the Society's collections. Electronic documents were converted to archival documents in 2024.

  • 'List of the Photographs and Lantern Slides, the property of the Society unless otherwise stated' - 2 sets of typed lists, each five pieces and housed within paper folders, undated.
  • 'Photographs and Slides in cupboard behind Secretary's Desk' - handwritten list, 1 piece, undated.
  • 'Lantern Slides from Newton' - handwritten list, 1 piece, undated.
  • 'Abbreviated List of Photographic Material in the Possession of the Royal Asiatic Society' - typed list, 4 pieces, undated.
  • 'China Boxes including Japan, Macao, Hong Kong, Manila' - photocopy of handwritten index cards, 4 pieces, undated.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society Library Photographic material' - summary of the types of material by format. Typed, 1 piece, undated.
  • 'Photographic prints from Sir Aurel Stein's negatives, mostly used as illustration in his books and reports; presented to the Royal Asiatic Society, September 1949' - list of the number of each print connected with each publication prepared by Fred H. Andrews. Typed list, 1 piece, undated.
  • 'List of photographs of the ruins of Ani at one time capital of the former Kingdom of Armenia' (Photo. 53), photocopy of the original lists in French and German with computer printed English translation, 10 pieces, undated.

Electronic documents

  • 'Photo 1' - list of the photographs comprising the collection Photo.1, Album of views of Tanjong Pagar Docks, Singapore. Document first created 2006.
  • 'RAS PHOTOGRAPH CATALOGUE - summary' - list of the photographic collections in the Society, first created in 2006 and updated to 2020.
  • 'Glass Slide.02 – (Ashkabad, Constantinople, Samarkand, Turkestan and Turcomen) or Russian Central Asia, Caucasus, Persia and Ottoman Territories' presented to the Society by the widow of Dr. K. Blond in December 1964 with some books from his possessions. List of the slides, document first created in 2019.
  • 'Glass Slides.09 - Southern Tibet, 1938-39. From the Collection of Lt. Col. Fleming Mackenzie', donated by his daughter, Mrs Ann O’Neill in 2022. List first created in 2022
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/2-RAS COLL6/2/3 · Subseries · 1997-ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and handlists for periodicals and newspapers in the Royal Asiatic Society's collections:

  • 'Handlist of the Periodical Titles in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society', ring bound pamphlet created June 1997.
  • 'List of Newspapers Held in the R.A.S. Library, May 1998', computer printed, 10 pages.
  • 'List of Current Periodicals on the Reading Room Shelves, 13th October 1998', computer printed, 10 pages.
  • 'R.A.S. Periodical Holdings: Brief Details June 1997, Part rev. July 2001', computer printed, 52 pages.

Electronic documents - all these were created into archival documents in April 2024. Their original creation date is noted in the list.

  • 'Bound Serials 7 June 1997' - created 05/07/2001.
  • 'Current Periodicals List [1998]' - created 21/10/1998.
  • 'R.A.S. Periodical Holdings: Brief Details June 1997. Part rev. July 2001. Rev July 2004' - created 11/03/2003.
  • 'Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1940-2001, Alphabetical list of articles in JRAS by AUTHOR' - created 06/06/2002.
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/2-RAS COLL6/2/2 · Subseries · 1990-ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Lists concerned with pamphlets within the Society's collections:

  • 'Draft List of the Contents of most of the Bound Volumes of Pamphlets' - computer printed, 62 pages, undated. This list is located in the Reading Room Office.

Electronic documents - all these were created into archival documents in April 2024. Their original creation date is noted in the list.

  • 'Miscellaneous Materials in the Royal Asiatic Society Library, London, A Working List' prepared by Yogesh Mishra, December 2007 - created 08/01/2008.
  • Bound pamphlets - created 29/09/2000.
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/3-RAS COLL6/3/4 · Subseries · 1823 - ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and handlists for manuscripts in Pali, Sinhalese and Burmese. These are:

  • 'List of the Singhalese, Burmese and Pali manuscripts in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society (made by G. Rost in 1849)' - handwritten list of 31 manuscripts.
  • 'Buddhist Manuscripts' - handwritten list subdivided into 'Burmese Character', and 'Sinhalese MSS in the library on Jan.1. 1889'. List on 10 sides, foolscap paper.
  • 'A Catalogue of the Pali & Burmese manuscripts of the R.A.S. scientifically arranged' - handwritten list of the manuscripts on 4 sides - their arrangement is not explained.
  • 'Royal Asiatic Society - Burmese MSS' - typed list of the Burmese manuscripts created in 1956. Four pieces.
  • 'Singhalese MSS. Royal Asiatic Society Hand List 1956' - a photocopy of the original list with handwritten annotations detailing the form of the manuscript, 3 pieces.
  • 'Morris Collection Bought 1896, Pali, Sinhalese and Burmese Mss, List copied from JRAS. 1896, pp. 212-214' photocopy of journal article list pasted on to foolscap paper with some handwritten annotations, 2 pieces.
  • 'Survey of the Pali manuscript collection, Royal Asiatic Society' - a list of the Pali manuscripts created by Jacqueline Filliozat from 1993-1996, 39 pages.

Electronic documents - archival version were created in 2024:

  • 'Royal Asiatic Society - BURMESE MSS – Hand list made 1956' - list of the Burmese manuscripts, first created in 2010.
GB 891 RAS COLL6-RAS COLL6/8 · Series · 1891-ongoing
Part of Royal Asiatic Society Collections Catalogues and Handlists

Catalogues and Handlists for objects within the Society's collections. Digital documents were created as archival documents in 2024.

  • 'List of Coins in the R.A.S. Cabinet' a list and report compiled by Oliver Codrington during his time as Honorary Librarian of the Society (1891-1919). Handwritten in a lined notebook with brown paper cover.

Electronic Documents

  • 'ACCESSION AND CATALOGUE OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY COINS COLLECTION' - list of coins in the Society's collections, first created in 2009.
  • 'POSSESSIONS OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY' - including textiles and clock. This is an incomplete list first created in
  • 'Objects on loan to the British Museum - the Society has 4 copper plate inscriptions and 1 stone inscription on long-term loan to the British Museum. There are two lists for this loan, created in 2018 and 2020.