Showing 104 results

Archival description
“Burton at Damascus”
GB 891 RB-RB/3-RB/3/5 · Subseries · May 1891
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

“Burton at Damascus” by Salih, Bookman, May 1891. “Salih” was the pen-name of the Reverend William Wright, author of An Account of Palmyra and Zenobia.

WrightWiliam . ( 1837–1899missionary and author
“Lady Burton”
GB 891 RB-RB/3-RB/3/12 · File · May 1896
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

“Lady Burton” by Raymond Blathwayt, Bookman, May 1896. An interview conducted some months before her death and published just after it. Illustrated with portraits of Burton and Lady Burton, and a picture of Burton’s mausoleum.

Burton Isabel 1831-1896
GB 891 RB-RB/3-RB/3/3 · File · 8 November 1890
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

“Mr Smalley on Captain Burton”. Extract from The Critic, 8 November 1890. The author is apparently George Washburn Smalley (1833-1916) at this date London correspondent of The New York Tribune. It is not clear whether the item was written for The Criticread more

Richard Francis Burton
GB 891 RB-RB/2-RB/2/1 · File · 1853
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

A Complete System of Bayonet Exercise by Richard F. Burton, Lieutenant Bombay Army. (London: William Clowes & Sons, 1853.) Red cloth binding embossed decoration, gold lettering on front. Marbled endpapers. Ex libris: Cyril G R Matthey, motto Viamread more

GB 891 RB-RB/3-RB/3/2 · File · 1886
Part of Papers of Richard Francis Burton

"A Sketch of the Career of Richard F. Burton (Al-Haj Abdullah). Collected from “Men of Eminence”; from Sir Richard and Lady Burton's own works; from the press; from personal knowledge and various other reliable sources. By Alfred Bate Richards, Andrewread more

Richard Francis Burton