Zone d'identification
GB 891 CAS-CAS/10-CAS/10/4-CAS/10/4/13
Further correspondence and lists from Herbert Niel Randle to Charles Ambrose Storey, 6 March 1939 - 15 July 1939
- 6 March 1939 - 15 July 1939 (Création/Production)
Niveau de description
Étendue matérielle et support
Typed, 5 pieces.
Zone du contexte
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Herbert Niel Randle C.I.E. F.B.A. (1880–1973) was the librarian of the India Office Library (1933–49; assistant librarian 1927–33),pro fessor of philosophy at Queen's College, Benares, and a writer on Indian philosophy.
Zone du contenu et de la structure
Portée et contenu
Further correspondence and lists from Herbert Niel Randle, Keeper of Oriental Books and Manuscripts, India Office Library, to Charles Ambrose Storey to send further manuscripts to Storey.
Zone du contrôle de la description
Identifiant de la description
gb 891 cas/10/4/13