File CAS/10/6/27 - Correspondence from Vladimir Minorsky, 17 October 1956 - 20 January 1960

Identity area

Reference code

GB 891 CAS-CAS/10-CAS/10/6-CAS/10/6/27


Correspondence from Vladimir Minorsky, 17 October 1956 - 20 January 1960


  • 17 October 1956 - 20 January 1960 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

Two cards and two letters, handwritten.

Context area

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Correspondence from Vladimir Minorsky to Charles Ambrose Storey to discuss books and provide information for Storey's Persian Literature.

Description control area

Description identifier

gb 891 cas/10/6/27