Series BHH/4 - Correspondence and Testimonials concerning donations, publications, conferment of honours and political acumen

Identity area

Reference code

GB 891 BHH-BHH/4


Correspondence and Testimonials concerning donations, publications, conferment of honours and political acumen


  • 1836 - 1848 (Creation)

Level of description


Context area

Content and structure area

Scope and content

This is a series of documents of correspondence and testimonials reflecting the activities of Brian Houghton Hodgson in the period 1836-1848. Hodgson and his wives were keen collectors of letters and statements that reflected well upon the work in which he was involved.

System of arrangement

The material was listed chronologically.

Conditions of access and use area

Language of material

  • English
  • French

Access points

Description control area

Archivist's note

This material was assigned to one unit by a previous cataloguer. Therefore, though the archive holds similar material, it was kept as one discrete entity.