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              14 Descrição arquivística resultados para Biography

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              Biographies B
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/2 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing B:

              • Baqā'ī (Muzaffar): two short articles on the sentencing of Mozaffar Baghaii, professor at Teheran University, to 2 years imprisonment for distributing pamphlets attacking the police. From the Times and the Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1961, and a further article on his acquittal, Daily Telegraph, 29 December 1961.
              • Mustafa Al Barazani 'Iraq Open to Kurdish Chief, Azerbailan Ex-Premier' concerning Iraq's decision to end the exile of the Kurdish leader who had acted as the puppet premier in Azerbaijan under the Russians. Sunday Times, undated.
              • Barthold, V. - obituaries for Professor V. Barthold, respected authority on Slavonic languages. One from the Times by Sir Edward Denison Ross, 26 August 1931, the second copied from The Annual Register, 1930. Two pieces, printed and handwritten.
              • Bayānī (Mahdi) - biographical notes concerning his career - handwritten, 1 piece.
              • Bayāt - article on Bayāt's visit to London and his position as Chairman of the National Iranian Oil Company, Daily Telegraph, 7 September 1956.
              • Bāzargān (Mahdi) - '10-Year Sentence on Professor' concerning the sentencing of Bazargan, leader of the Persian Freedom Movement, to solitary confinement. Daily Telegraph, 8 January 1964.
              • Nawab of Bhopal - obituaries entitled 'Nawab of Bhopal: Statesmanship and Sport', The Times, 5 February 1960, and 'The Nawab of Bhopal', Daily Telegraph, 5 February 1960, for Hamidullah Khan Sikandar Saulat, Mawab Ruler of Bhopal after his sudden death.
              • Habib Bourguiba - 'Profile - Bourguiba' - article on the leading man in Tunisia who had returned after 25 years of exile and imprisonment. The Observer, 1 May 1955.
              • Harold Bowen - 'Languages and Culture of the Near East' - obituary for Bowen, an expert in Near Eastern languages. The Times, 1 July 1959.
              • Burqa't - 'Dr Moussadek Asks for Confidence: Majlis Summoned by Radio' - article concerning a broadcast by the Persian Prime Minister calling for support, The Times, 6 January 1953.
              • Burūjurdī - 'Ayatullah Burujerdi: Muslim leader and Scholar' - obituary notice for Ayatullan al Hajj Sayid Husain Tabataba;I Burujerdi, The Times 1 April 1961.
              Sem título
              Biographies K - L
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/7 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing K and L:

              • Kalāt (Khān of) - 'Pakistan Ex-Ruler Arrested: 3 killed as troops besiege a palace' The Times, 7 October 1958; 'Pakistan holds Khan of Kalat: Palace guards fire on troops', the Daily Telegraph 7 October 1958; 'Deposed Khan's Son in Gaol: Karachi Measures', Daily Telegraph 9 October 1958. Articles about the deposing of the Khan of Kalat, his arrest and that of his son.
              • Kahle, Paul - 'Dr. P. Kahle Honoured at Oxford' - an article to announce the conferment of an honorary degree of D. Litt. On Kahle from Oxford University. Unknown publication, [1912].
              • Kahn, P - Letter from P. Kahn to Charles Ambrose Storey to inform Storey of a manuscript by Najum b.Asīl al-Kirkārī and ask his advice. Two sides, handwritten, dated 3 December 1942.
              • Kashani, Ayatollah - profile article on Ayatollah Abdol Ghassem Kashani, an Islamic nationalist leader, The Observer, 14 September 1952; photograph of Kashani, Daily Telegraph, 8 December 1953, 'Mullah Kashani Denounced: Persian Radio Attack on Traitor', The Times, 22 February 1954, 'Gen. Zahedi warns Kashani', Daily Telegraph, 22 February 1954, 'The Mullah Kashani: Bitter Opponent of Western Influence' - obituary notice, The Times, 15 March 1962.
              • Khudāh-Bakhsh - note on biography and portrait to be found in 'Glimpses of the Nuzami's Dominions', London and Bombay 1889. Handwritten, 1 piece.
              • Kasrawi, Hassan - 'Teheran June 4' - article on oil nationalisation plans and the detention of the suspected murderer of Hassan Kasrawi, The Times 5 June 1951
              • Khal'at Barī - 'Persian Leader Condemns Oil Law' - article about the oil industry in Iran and Khalat Bari's response to the criticism, Daily Telegraph, 14 June 1954.
              • Khan Sahib - 'Dr. Khan Sahib: Government in W. Pakistan', The Times, 10 May 1958, and 'Dr Khan Sahib: A Great Pathan', The Times, 13 May 1958 - articles concerning the assassination of Khan Sahib.
              • Khwushhāl Khān - biographical notes from the Blumhardt Catalogue of the Marathi…Pushti and Sindhi manuscripts in the British Museum. Handwritten, 2 sides
              • King, Lucas White - obituary notice for Sir Lucas White King, orientalist. Unknown publication, [August 1925]
              • Kneipp, Sébastien - biographical notes for Sébastien Kneipp from Larousse du XXe siècle, tome IV. Handwritten in French, 1 side.
              • Köprülü, F. - photograph of Marshal Tito greeting the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mr. Köprülü at their meeting on the island of Brioni, (Brijuni), Observer 1 February 1953
              • Kushkakī (Burhān al-Dīn Khān) biographical notes from the International Who's Who, 1950. Handwritten, 1 side.
              • Lamb, Harold - two obituary notice for Harold Lamb, American novelist and historian, The Times, 12 April 1962 and the Daily Telegraph, 11 April 1962.
              • Lane, Arthur - obituary notices for Arthur Lane, Keeper of the Department of Ceramics, Victoria & Albert Museum, The Times, 8 March 1963 and 13 March 1963, Daily Telegraph, 8 March 1963 and 13 March 1963.
              • Lawrence, [P] - Letter from Lawrence to Storey asking Storey's advice on opportunities for an academic career in Arabic studies. Handwritten, 4 sides, dated 2 November 1945.
              • Le Strange, Guy - 'Late Mr. Guy le Strange: Will of Cambridge Orientalist' - article detailing the will of Guy le Strange. Unknown publication [1933].
              • Leech, Robert - biographical note s for Robert Leech, author of 'A Grammar of the Pushto of Afghanese language'. Handwritten, 1 side.
              • Littman, Enno - obituary notices for Professor Enno Littmann, orientalist, The Times, 20 May 1959 and 24 May 1959.
              • Lockhart, Laurence - marriage notice for Laurence Lockhart and Alice Wilson, unknown publication, [August 1963].
              • Lushington, Henry - biographical notes for Henry Lushington, taken from Eastbourne Parish Church. Handwritten, 3 sides.
              Sem título
              Biographies M
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/8 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing M:

              • McNeill, John - biographical notes for Sir John McNeill from the Dictionary of National Biography XII. Handwritten, 10 sides.
              • Mahdī (M.) Arbāb - biographical notes in Arabic script. Handwritten, 1 side.
              • Makkī, Husain - note to state that Makkī, Secretary of the Parliamentary Committee, Iran, is in favour of taking over the oil industry, noted from a news bulletin, 21 May 1951; 'Teheran Notebook, Yearnings and Slogans from Flora Lewis' in which Makkī is reported as 'the lean, dark-faced spokesman and major-domo of the Premier', Observer, 10 June 1951; 'At Abadan and Teheran', captioned photographs from the Anglo-Persian oil talks in which Makkī is pictured, The Times, 22 June 1951; 'Measures to End Oil Dispute: Ambassador's Hopes' in which Makkī is reported as willing to fight any oil agreement, Times, 23 February 1954; 'Hussein Makki Arrested', Makkī, former head of Persia's nationalised oil industry is arrested, Times, 9 January 1956; 'Four Executed in Teheran: Rooting out Terrorist Elements' in which the executions are reported and it is noted that Makkī is incriminated with the assassination of Prime Minister Razmar, Times, 19 January 1956; 'National Front Opposition' in which Makki's opposition is noted, unknown publication, undated.
              • Mānikjī biographical notes from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society and other publications. Handwritten, 2 sides.
              • Mashriqī- 'Pakistan Murder: 5 More Arrests' an article concerning the arrest of Mashriqi, The Sunday Times, 11 May 1958; and 'Allama Enyatullan Khan Mashriqi' reporting the death of Mashriqi, Times, 18 August 1963.
              • Massignon, Louis - obituary notice for Professor Louis Massignon, Islamic scholar, Times, 21 November 1962.
              • Meredith-Owens, G.M. - Letter from Meredith-Owens to Storey to enquire the prospects for research into Arabic studies and Islamica at Cambridge. Handwritten, 1 piece, dated 29 July 1945; and Letter from Meredith-Owens to Storey to enquire which Arabic and Persian books he will require to study for part I of the Oriental Languages Tripos, handwritten, 1 piece, dated 9 January 1946.
              • Moorcroft, William - biographical notes taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica 1953 and Dictionary of National Biography, handwritten, 4 sides.
              • Moss, Cyril - obituary notice for Cyril Moss, Syriac and Patristic Studies expert, The Times, 28 March 1961.
              • Mubārak- Shāh - biographical notes in Arabic script, handwritten, 1 piece.
              • Muhammad (Āghā Mīrzā) biographical notes from Debrett's Peerage, Knightage and Companions, 1930, p.1341.
              • Professor E.H. Minns 'Prof. E.H. Minns Honoured: An International Presentation: Pembroke Ceremony', newspaper cutting concerning a presentation to Minns, Disney Professor of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, unknown paper, undated.
              • Mohammad Ali 'Profile - Mohammad Ali, Premier of Pakistan', newspaper cutting concerning the Pakistan prime minister, The Observer, 8 November 1953.
              • Muhammad Ridā Shāh Pahlawī newspaper cuttings about the Shah of Persia: 'In Teheran a New Year Starts for the Shah', The Times, 24 March 1958; 'Shah ban shock on the eve of marriage', Sunday Express, 20 December 1959; 'Persian Calm about Shah's Wedding: Fairy Tale Route for Procession', Daily Telegraph, 21 December 1959; articles on his visit to London from The Times, 6 and 7 May 1959; 'Queen Soraya Divorced', The Times, 15 March 1959'; 'The Shah's Message to London' on the birth of his son, The Times, 8 November 1960; ''Queen Soraya Divorced: Shah's Sadness over Decision', Daily Telegraph, 15 March 1958.
              • Musaddiq 'Profile Mohammed Moussadek' article about the new Prime Minister of Persia, The Observer, 20 May 1951; newspaper cuttings of photographs of Mr Stokes, the Lord Privy Seal with Dr. Moussadek and other engagements of Moussadek, The Times and Daily Telegraph, 8 August 1951, The Daily Telegraph, 10 and 14 November 1953; further cuttings concerning his three year imprisonment and subsequent release from 1953 and 1956.
              • Muscat (Sultan of) 'The Flying Sultan', article concerning the Sultan's return home after his visit to Britain, The Times, 8 August 1955.
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              Biographies G - H
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/5 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing G and H:

              • Ghulām Muhammad b. Tīpū Sultan nine handwritten pages of notes taken by Storey from a variety of sources.
              • Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen - Application for Title of Reader in Arabic History and Literature for the University of London by 33 year-old Gibb. Typed, 11 October 1928.
              • Glubb (Godfrey) 'Glubb's son, 18, tells of love for Arab girl' concerning Godfrey Glubb, son of Sir John Glubb, wanting to marry an Arab girl, [Sunday Express], 4 May 1958.
              • Guillaume, J de C. Letter from H.S.H. Hart to Storey to ask Storey to give his advice to Guillaume after demobilisation from the army, typed, dated 1 October 1945.
              • Gwynn, Brian Letter from Frank Thistlethwaite to Storey to ask Storey to give his advice to Gwynn after demobilisation, typed, dated 8 December [1945].
              • M. Habīb Allāh Akbarābādī 8 pages of handwritten notes in Arabic and English.
              • Hāshim Khān obituary notices for Sardar Muhammad Hashim Khan, uncle of the King of Afghanistan and former Prime Minister from The Times, 28 and 30 October 1953.
              • Haidarābād, Nizām Newspaper cuttings concerning the Nizam of Hyderabad. These are: 'Nizam Immunity Appeal Upheld', Daily Telegraph 13 June 1955; 'Full Time Job' Evening Standard, 7 November 1958; 'Nizam and Britain', Evening Standard, 11 January 1955; 'Miss Clutterbuck's cigarette startles the Nizam', Evening Standard, 3 January 1955; 'In the Nizam's world the harem tradition is a serious thing', Evening Standard, 4 January 1955; 'The Nizam shocks a jeweller', Evening Standard, 5 January 1955; 'Gold! Gold! Gold! - All over the Place', Evening Standard 6 January 1955; 'Crisis comes to the Nizam', Evening Standard, 7 January 1955; 'Invasion! - so like a game of polo', Evening Standard, 8 January 1955; 'Crisis threatens the Banquet', Evening Standard, 10 January 1955; 'New-fangled Pills?' Evening Standard, 12 January 1955; 'The Mogul Legend Ends with Windy Loo', Evening Standard, 12 January 1955; 'The man who owned an army resigns', Daily Mail, 22 October 1956; 'Riches Ruler Dies' EA, 24 February 1967; 'Obituary: Nizam of Hyderabad', The Times, 25 February 1967; 'Many are Injured at Nizam's funeral, The Times, 27 February 1967; 'Nizam of Hyderabad, Last Feudal Ruler', Daily Telegraph, 25 February 1967; '500000 line funeral route', EA, 28 February 1967; 'Nizam of Hyderabad dead', The Times, 25 February 1967; 'Obituary: Nizam of Hyderabad', Financial Times, 28 February 1967; 'Nizam Millions Fight', Sunday Telegraph, 26 February 1967; 'Last of the great Moguls', Sunday Telegraph, 26 February 1967; 'Nizam of Hyderabad', The Times, 10 March 1967.
              • Hakīmī (Ibrāhīm) 'Senator Ibrahim - Former Persian Prime Minister'. Obituary notice for Hakimi who was born in Azerbaijan, studied medicine in France and became physician to the Qajar court before entering politics in 1908. The Times 21 October 1959.
              • Hall, Frederick John - 'Mr. F.J. Hall: Oxford University Printer' - obituary notice for Frederick Hall, Controller of the Oxford University Press, unknown publication [August 1925].
              • Hassem, M.R. Letter from M.R. Hassam, Holland Hall Hotel, Holland Park, London written in Arabic Script. One piece, handwritten.
              • Hikmat, A.A. - biographical notes on Ali Asghan Hikmat, handwritten, 1 piece.
              • Henning, Walter Bruno - 'Professor W. Henning: Pioneering work in Iranian Studies', obituary notice for Walter Henning, The Times, 11 January 1967.
              • Holmyard, Eric John - 'Dr. E.J. Holmyard - Interpreter of Science' - obituary notice for Eric Holmyard, teacher, historian and interpreter of science. Unknown paper, [October 1959].
              • Howes, Charles - obituary notice for Charles Howes, bookseller, written by F.T. Bowyer. One piece, typed [1958]
              • Hunza (Mir of) - 'The Mir of Hunza: Faithful Ally of England' - obituary notice for Sir Muhammad Nazim Khan, Mir of the State of Hunza, Gilgit Agency. Unknown publication, [1938]
              Sem título
              Biographies I - J
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/6 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing I and J:

              • Ibn Sa'ūd - 'King Ibn Saud: Maker of Modern Arabia', The Times, 10 November 1953, and 'Ibn Saud, A Staunch Ally: Refugee who welded a nation', unknown publication [November 1953], obituary notices for Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud.
              • Idris of Libya - profile of King Idris, King of Libya as the country received its independence from having been one of Italy's colonies. Observer, 6 January 1952.
              • Intizām - 'Mr Entezam's Hopes of Better Relations with Britain' - article concerning Mr Abdullah Entezam, Persian Foreign Minister, after his visit to England and meeting with the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Reading, The Times, 6 August 1955. Also 'The Other Persian: While his country gets embroiled with Britain, Mr Entezam tries to settle another conflict on the other side of the world' - about Entezam's role as President of the United Nations General Assembly, Evening Standard, 29 June 1951.
              • Fakir of Ipi - 'Fakir of Ipi: Moslem Rebel and Champion' - obituary notice for Hadji Mirza Ali Khan, Fakir of Ipi, unknown publication, April 1960. Also 'Faqir od Ipi: Revolt on the N.W. Frontier' - report of his death, The Times, 20 April 1960.
              • Iqbāl (Minūchihr) - 'Iran's New Premier-Elect' - article on Professor Eghbal's elevation to form the new Iranian Cabinet after the resignation of Dr Hussein Ala, Financial Times 4 April 1957. Also 'Dr Eghbal to be London Envoy' concerning his nomination as Iranian Ambassador to London, The Times 18 April 1961.
              • Īranshahr (Husain Kāzim- Zādah) - note on his portrait to be found in Indo-Iranica V/I, July 1951. One piece, handwritten.
              • Iskander Mirza - ' Pakistan's President: Gen. Iskander Mirza' - profile article of Iskander Mirza, the new Pakistani President after seizing power in a coup, Observer, 12 October 1958.
              • Ismail Mirza - 'Sir Mirza Ismail: Indian Elder Statesman', The Times, 7 January 1959, and 'Obituary: Sir Mirza Ismail', Daily Telegraph, 7 January 1959 - obituary notices for Sir Mirza Ismail, former Dewan of Mysore, and Minister of Jaipur and Hyderabad.
              • Jackson, Noel - Letter of introduction from F.H. Sandbach to Charles Ambrose Storey for Noel Jackson, interpreter in Arabic and Persian. Typed, 1 piece, dated 2 August 1949.
              • Jamāl - zādah - biographical notes for Siyyid Muhammad Ali Jamāl - zādah taken from Cassell's Encyclopaedia of Literature, 1953. Handwritten, 3 sides.
              • Jeffrey, Arthur ' 'Rev, Dr. Arthur Jeffrey' - obituary notice for Jeffrey, professor of Semitic Languages, Colombia University and formerly Professor of Oriental Studies at the University of Cairo, The Times, 14 August 1959.
              Sem título
              Biographies N - P
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/9 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing N - P:

              • Naish, Stephen 'Judge tells of husband who aided wife's divorce just to please her' concerning Naish's deception to enable their divorce to go through, News Chronicle, 23 July 1955; 'Man's Evidence for Wife', Daily Telegraph, 23 July 1955.
              • Nāsir al-Dīn Shāh Qājār 'London Day by Day' concerning the Shah of Persia's visit to London, Daily Telegraph, 7 May 1959.
              • Nasr (S. 'Alī) - biographical notes, handwritten.
              • Nasr Allāh Khān biographical notes, handwritten.
              • Nawal Kishōr biographical notes, handwritten.
              • Nawwāb (M. Ibrāhīm) - biographical notes, handwritten in Arabic script.
              • Nawwāb Safawī an article from the Observer concerning Nawwab's plans to exterminate the British from Persia, 31 January 1954; and 'Persian Muslim Leader Arrested' from The Times, 24 November 1955.
              • Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne Obituary notice from The Times, 31 August 1945; and handwritten obituary taken from the Royal Central Asian Journal, 1946.
              • Nizāmat -Jang two obituary notices for the poet and member of the Executive Council of the Nizam of Hyderabad, from The Times, 5 and 13 December 1955.
              • H. St. John B. Philby obituary notices from The Observer, 2 October 1960, The Times and the Daily Telegraph, 3 October 1960; and notification of the money left in his estate, Evening Standard, 4 January 1961.
              • Robert Ker Porter 'The Tsar's English Court Porters', newspaper article concerning the English painters, Porter and George Dawe, who worked in Russia, The Times, 20 January 1959.
              Sem título
              Biographies Q - R
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/10 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing Q - R:

              • Qatīl - biographical notes, handwritten in Arabic script.
              • Qawām al-Saltanah 'Profile Qawam as Sultaneh' article about the Prime Minister of Persia, from The Observer, 24 March 1946; obituary notices from the Daily Telegraph and The Times, 25 July 1955.
              • Mohammed Qzavini obituary notice for Qazvin, the father of modern Persian criticism, The Times, 4 June 1949.
              • Quds-Nakha'ī 'New Persian Envoy' concerning Quds-Nakha'ī's appointment as Ambassador to Britain, The Times, 20 September 1958.
              • Rashdī 'Pakistan to Peking' concerning Rashdi's appointment as Pakistan's ambassador to China, the Daily Telegraph, 24 August 1961.
              • Raushan 'Ali Jaunpūrī - biographical notes, handwritten in Arabic script.
              • W.L. Raynes - obituary notices for former Alderman of the City of Cambridge, The Times, 9 May 1961.
              • Razm-ārā articles concerning the death of the Prime Minster of Persia from The Times and the Daily Telegraph, 8 March 1951.
              • David Storm Rice - obituary notices for the expert in Islamic art and architecture, Daily Telegraph, 2 May 1962, and unknown, undated publication.
              • Ridā Shāh Pahlawī 'Frank Portrait of an Austere Ruler' concerning the Shah of Persia's tribute to his father, The Times, 28 March 1956.
              • Thomas Roebuck handwritten biographical notes for the orientalist taken from the Dictionary of National Biography.
              Sem título
              Biographies T - Z
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/12 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing T - Z:

              • Tadaiyun (S.M.) handwritten biographical notes.
              • Taqī-zādah (S. Hasan) handwritten biographical notes.
              • Tarzi article concerning Safia Tarzi, daughter of a former Afghan ambassador, Evening Standard, 1 May 1959.
              • Tod, James handwritten biographical notes in Arabic script.
              • Togan handwritten biographical notes.
              • Vira (Raghu) 'Indian 'Dr Johnson' sets himself a life task', article concerning Professor Raghu Vira, philologist, who intended to translate the entire English vocabulary into Hindi, Daily Telegraph, 25 April 1958.
              • Wilford (Francis) handwritten biographical notes, 8 pieces.
              • Wilkinson (J.V.S.) obituary notice for James Vere Steward Wilkinson, Librarian at Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, The Times, 31 January 1957.
              • Williamson, J.W.P Letter to Storey to ask if Williamson may consult with Storey concerning his studies, dated 12 October 1945. A further letter from Williamson himself to inform Storey that he has changed his course and will no longer be studying Arabic, 22 March 1946.
              • Winstedt (Sir R.) 'Asiatic vs. Asian', article by Winstedt concerning a possible change in name of the Royal Asiatic Society, Daily Telegraph, 26 October 1957.
              • Martin Young letter from Young to Storey to ask his advice about learning Arabic and Persian, 9 November 1945.
              • Zafar Allāh Khān photograph of Sir Zafrullah Khan, Pakistani foreign minister arriving in London, Daily Telegraph, 11 December 1953.
              • Zāhidī (Ardashīr) 'A princess's wedding day- concerning the marriage of Princess Shannaz to Zahedi, Sunday Express, 6 October 1957.
              • Fazlullah Zahedi 'General Zahedi: Former Premier of Iran' obituary notice, The Times, 4 September 1963.
              • Zāhir (King) of Afghanistan article concerning the state visit of Zahir and his wife to America, Evening Standard 4 September 1963.
              Sem título
              Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey
              GB 891 CAS · Arquivo · 1807 - 2021

              The Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey are mainly concerned with gathering material for his research into Persian Literature. They include his own notes and draft publications and additional notes by people who subsequently worked with his research.

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              Biographies C
              GB 891 CAS-CAS/8-CAS/8/3 · Subsérie · 1910-1977
              Parte de Papers of Charles Ambrose Storey

              Biographical material for individuals with names commencing with C:

              • Cash, William Wilson - 'The Bishop of Worcester: Great Missionary Leader' - obituary for the Right Reverend William Wilson Cash, missionary and Arabic speaker. The Times, 19 July 1955.
              • Chitral - 'Mehtar of Chitral' - obituary notice for His Highness Saifarrahman, Mehtar of Chitral who killed in an air crash near Peshawar. The Times [1954].
              • Chodźko - biographical notes from Larouse de XX siècle, Vol. II Paris, 1929. Handwritten.
              • Gerard Clauson - article on Sir Gerard Clauson accepting the chairmanship of the Board of Pirelli on the resignation of Peter Thorneycroft. Financial Times, 17 November 1960.
              • Crollius, Oswaldus - biographical notes taken from the British Museum General Catalogue Vol. XLV, 1950 and other sources. Handwritten.
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